RREA Red Grass

RREA Red Grass

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Albino Platinum White Ribbon/Swallow Thai

I got 2 females from a friend on AB and they are huge and kinda matured. I mixed them with my young breeder of Albino Platinum white I got from Hans which is also a ribbon/swallow gene. I was hoping I can get babies on this 2 matured females before they retire totally.

Small video clip:

Albino Blue Grass Ribbon/Swallow Thai

I got a trio of this amazing guppies the females are like 3 inches including the caudal swallow tail and they are both prehit. I got it from a friend on AB and planning to build more of this hoping they give more babies waiting for one female to drop.

Here's a small video clip of them I'll update it with pictures once I get a time to take a shot this weekend.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pink Pastel Thai Strain

I also got this from my NEFGA friend. He recently acquired this strain from am auction and now has volumes and won't stop producing. They have a nice Pinkish tail/body and also has some Pastel on the caudal tail. They are small compared to my regular guppies both the males and females and I'm not sure if they will improved with body appearance. But I tried staring at the males and they are really gorgeous! I'm planning to build more of this strain in my fish room. I got them last weekend and all females came pretty hit.

Video clip:

Replacement for last year disaster in my fish room

I finally got my replacement for all the strains I lost last year during a power outage. The one I got are all breeder very healthy and pretty hit. This came from a good friend at NEFGA for a trade off of some of my available strains I also acquired additional strain on my fish room list.

HB Pastel:

Video clip:

Red Delta:

Video clip:

Albino Full Red:

Video clip:

Feeding Blue Delta babies

Took a small video last night of some of the fry I have during feeding time. They are always hungry every time I approach the tanks it's like a dog begging for food.

Blue Delta

Video clip:

Project: Blue Snakeskin X Albino Blue Topaz (Fry)

Here's now the fry of my Project on Blue Snakeskin X Albino Blue Topaz. They are now 3 weeks old all healthy and active. I can already see the males of the Blue Snakeskin coloring up.