RREA Red Grass

RREA Red Grass

Friday, July 29, 2011

Breeding Guppies

Tank Set-Up

1. Breeding tank. A 10-gallon is suitable but I also used 5 and 2.5 gallons on some of my trio.

2. Filtration. You can used a boxed filter or sponge filter they both have good benefits for your tank.(You can also used substrate(gravel) if you prefer) I just got all my tanks barebottom

3. Plants. This is an option but it will also helps your bioload environment in your tank. I would suggest java moss, water sprite, hornwort, cabomba and hydrilla.

4. Temperature. The standard recommendation for Guppies is 65-68 degrees F (18-20 degrees C), but in a breeding aquarium you should increase the temperature to 74-78 degrees F (23-25 degrees C).

5. Female Grow-Out Tank. A 10 gallon is okay.

6. Male Grow-Out Tank. A 10 is good, a 20 long is better.

7. Fry Tank. I've been using 10 gallons for my fry tank and then I moved them to a bigger tank after 2-4 weeks in a bigger tank like a 20-gallon or 55-gallon. The larger your raising tank, the faster the fry will reach maturity. (More frequent water changes and smaller, more frequent feedings will also help.)

ATI Sponge Filter

Boxed Filters

Tank with Boxed Filter

Tank with Sponge Filter

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