RREA Red Grass

RREA Red Grass

Friday, July 29, 2011

How to tell Male and Female Guppy Apart?

It is easy to tell males and females apart. The males are a lot more colourful and have an elongated and pointed anal fin called the gonopodium. The gonopodium is used to transfer milt to the female.

Females on the other hand, are a lot rounder, have duller colouration and have a rounded anal fin.

Male guppies grow to around 3.5 cm, females are larger and grow to around 6 cm when fully grown.

Male Guppy:

Female Guppy:

Breeder Setup

I followed this approach on the setup I have in my fish room:

A: 2 males to 4 females per 5 1/2 gallon tank

B: 3 males to 3 females per 5 1/2 gallon tank

C: 5 males to 6 females per 10 gallon tank.

D: But never one male to one female because it has low success.

E: A father to daughter is the perfect line breed! (Closest Match)

1: Sister to brother is generally what most breeders use today!

2: Always have a second backup set of breeders.

3: One out of every three generations to keep body size.

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